
Física, Educação, consultoria impacto tecnológico, ciências naturais


Awdry Miquelin possui um grau de bacharel em Física pela Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (2000) e mestrado em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (2003) e doutorado em Educação Científica e Tecnológica da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina ( 2009). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto IV do Departamento de Educação da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná Academic – Ponta Grossa Campus, professor of the Graduate Program in Science and Technology Teaching (Ponta Grossa Campus) Master’s and Doctorate, Institutional Coordinator of the PIBID project of UTFPR and PPGECT’s PhD Coordinator. He works on projects focused on systemic approach, relations between education, science and technology, science and art and analysis of communicative technological educational systems, with emphasis on science teaching, working on the following topics: technological impact consulting, technology mediation, Higher Education and Basic School, didactics, teaching-learning and dialogic-problem-making education. It deals with the investigation of teaching-learning processes involving: relations between art and natural sciences, philosophy of science and technology, history and philosophy of the natural sciences, art and science, learning theories and educational practices involving natural sciences and ICT.