전문 지식

Sustainable Design, Climate Change


Creator of the Green Map System and its director since 1995, Wendy is a designer, social innovator, consultant, and public educator. Based in New York and focused on sustainable design since 1989, Wendy created an original map of New York’s environment, the Green Apple Map in 1992.


A pioneer in collaborative internet-based development, Wendy has led the development of the nonprofit Green Map System, its acclaimed universal iconography, inclusive methodology and locally-led global network. Now in over 800 diverse cities in 64 countries, the NGO’s most recent innovation is the Open Green Map, an interactive mapping platform that turns local information into global interaction. Explore Green Map’s adaptable tools and myriad outcomes GreenMap.org. Find highlights in the Projects section of this website.


Wendy has also taught, written and spoken on sustainable design at scores of conferences and universities. Other social innovations and design consultancies have addressed renewable energy, waste reduction and community eco-engagement. Wendy’s work has been covered by magazines, books, newspapers, blogs and multimedia. She was recently included among the 50 Visionaries Changing Your World, according to UTNE Reader. Wendy has been the Designer in Residence at the Smithsonian Cooper Hewitt, National Design Museum and a Woman of Earth, among other honors. Wendy ‘walks her talkas an everyday cyclist, vegetarian and life partner to a true Sage (Ray Sage, her sweetheart since 1971).