전문 지식

Computer Science and Intelligent Systems


Sruthi works in the Engineering Development Group at the MathWorks. She graduated with a Masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas in May 2015. Her masters specialization was in Intelligent SystemsMachine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Natural language Processing. Sruthi joined the ArtSciLab as a Research Assistant in Fall 2014 and contributed actively to the various projects within the lab including the Creative Disturbance. Her interests include web development, virtual reality, graphics and animation.

As a graduate student, she interned with MathWorks in summer’14 and later joined the company as a full time employee after her graduation. She now solves MATLAB cases for more than 500 customers for a portfolio of various products in the area of Math, Machine Learning, Image Processing and Finance with keen focus on MATLAB crash cases out of personal interest. She is also actively working on development projects with the MATLAB Graphics Team concentration on Printing and Rendering.