
intellectual property, copyright


Michael S. Melfi is an Internet and Intellectual Property attorney, specializing in Digital Law. Michael has a dynamic background that allows him to provide insightful legal services, while creating business development strategies.

Over the last decade Michael founded and led a national multi-media company. This provided the opportunity for Michael to provide brand positioning and image consulting to professionals and celebrities. As COO & General Counsel Michael pioneered various experiential and digital marketing campaigns for Fortune 500 clients. As a thought leader and innovator, Michael began utilizing the internet and various social media platforms to develop an online presence for his company in the top 1% of all websites globally. With the advent of mainstream crowdfunding, Michael has taken these experiences and become the first ever “Crowdfunding Attorney,” helping small and medium-size companies achieve their funding goals and business objectives. Using Charity, Reward and Equity-based Crowfunding, Michael has raised considerable funds for client projects in medical research, consumer products and technology. Through these experiences and involvement with the digital platform, Michael gained valuable insight into the legal and business ramifications of the internet and specifically social media.