


JOHN JENNINGS is an Associate Professor of Art and Visual Studies at the University at Buffalo-State University of New York. His work centers around intersectional narratives regarding identity politics and popular media. Jennings is co-editor of the Eisner Award nominated collection The Blacker the Ink: Constructions of Black Identity in Comics and Sequential Art and co-founder/organizer of The Schomburg Center’s Black Comic Book Festival in Harlem. He is co-founder and organizer of the MLK NorCal’s Black Comix Arts Festival in San Francisco and also SOL-CON: The Brown and Black Comix Expo at the Ohio State University. Jennings is currently a Nasir Jones Hip Hop Studies Fellow with the Hutchins Center at Harvard University. Jennings’ チャンネル・ゼロ、超自然的な犯罪ノワールの物語ブルーハンドモジョ、およびオクタビアバトラーのクラシックなダークファンタジー小説キンドレッドの今後のグラフィックノベルの適応:現在の漫画のプロジェクトは、ヒップホップの冒険漫画キッドコードが含まれています。