


Robert Fee profesor emeritus di Savannah College of Art dan
Desain di mana ia diakui dua kali oleh desain Intelijen sebagai salah satu
the Most Admired Industrial Design Educators. In 2007 he founded the
Graduate Program in Design Management, a curriculum focused on
business and organizational anthropology, collaborative learning,
brand analytics, design principles, and business practices. Named by
BusinessWeek salah satu "Sekolah Desain Terbaik di Dunia" untuk mengajar
design thinking, students conduct scholarly investigation and develop
konstruksi teoritis yang berkontribusi terhadap negara-of-the-art dari
design leadership and management in organizations.

Selain menciptakan dan mengajar lulusan kursus di
facilitation of creative thinking, Fee developed and conducted a
serangkaian inovasi lokakarya dengan manajemen dan perencanaan tim dari
global firms, such as Chick-fil-A, Steelcase, the Industrial Research
Institute, as well as the SCAD Collaborative Learning Center. Fee
membantu merumuskan arah dan inti Desain Departemen Industri
values, as well as the graduate program curriculum. Industrial design
and design management M.F.A. thesis research topics that Fee chaired
included, biosand water filtration devices in rural Ugandan villages,
reframing wind energy at the local level, dignity as a driving force
in organizations, clean cook-stove design in the slums of Bangalore,
dan antarbudaya desain antropologi sebagai stimulus untuk menerapkan
design thinking in India.

Biaya memulai karirnya di lab komputer grafis Boeing dan
berpartisipasi dalam rendition komputer pertama yang diketahui manusia
figure. Working with design consulting firms in Chicago and Wichita,
Kansas, he perfected a rapid two-day collaborative-working session
with clients in equipment manufacturing and consumer products. Several
of Fee’s consumer products were in production for over two decades.

Mengikuti karier desain industri sebagai Biaya konsultan pindah ke
Texas Instruments di mana ia menjadi Manager Corporate Design
Center. While at TI, he extended the reach of his department through
kerjasama erat dengan proyek-proyek usaha perusahaan dan teknologi
transfer businesses. As many of these internal clients had never
worked with industrial designers before, design had to be about
komunikasi dan kolaborasi serta bentuk dan fungsi
the product. This dialogue became the foundation for his vision as an
educator based on theory in practice, interdisciplinary study, and
industry partnership.