


Among the leading pioneers of the eco-art movement, Newton Harrisonalong with Helen Mayer Harrison (often referred to simply as “the Harrisons”)has worked for over forty years with biologists, ecologists, architects, urban planners and other artists to initiate collaborative dialogues to uncover ideas and solutions which support biodiversity and community development.
Harrison’s concept of art embraces a breathtaking range of disciplines. His is an historian, diplomat, ecologist, investigator, emissary and art activist, whose work not only involves proposing solutions and involves not only public discussion, but extensive mapping and documentation of these proposals in an art context.
Past projects have focused on watershed restoration, urban renewal, agriculture and forestry issues among others. His visionary projects produced with Helen Harrison have often led to changes in governmental policy and have expanded dialogue around previously unexplored issues leading to practical implementations throughout the United States and Europe.
For more info about Newton or the Harrison’s work, please visit