


Dominique Lestel telah berkembang selama beberapa tahun sebagai “etologi filosofis” yang membahas bagaimana manusia yang terbentuk melalui hidupnya bersama dengan selain manusia (hewan, tumbuhan, jamur, artefak kuasi-otonom dan hantu). Dalam perspektif ini dia mempelajari dimensi metafisik, epistemologis, etis, epistemologis, estetika, ekologi dan politik hidup menghadapi konvergensi teknologi NBTIC (nanoteknologi, bioteknologi, teknologi informasi dan kognisi). Metodologis, ia mencoba untuk berlatih “bidang filsafat” yang mengarah filsuf untuk berkompromi dengan dunia (dan ia menuju Amazon program penelitian hidup bersama dengan hewan di Teko Amerindian (Tupi Guarani) dengan rekan Italia-nya Egle Barone) – and porosities between philosophical practice and artistic practices of particular interest to him. He also tried to introduce in France the important thinkers who are still there partially or completely unknown as the Norwegian Arne Naess, American Paul Shepard, or the Australian Val Plumwood. Very conscious of the international dimension of contemporary thought, he has held positions in research or teaching in many foreign universities (University of California, MIT, Boston University, School of the Institute of Art of Chicago, University of Montreal , Macquarie University (Sydney), Keio University, Tokyo University, etc.). Before joining the Department of Philosophy, he introduced the teaching of cognitive science at the ENS with the physicist Jean-Pierre Nadal and logician Giuseppe Longo in the 90s and was a founding member of the Department D ‘Cognitive Studies. For several years, until 2013, he was responsible for the team of Eco-ethology and cognitive ethology of the National Museum of Natural History.