
Ingénierie, Femgineers, STEM


Fiona a occupé divers rôles dans sa carrière de 17 ans dans l'industrie des médias, dont 3 années de production long métrage d'animation nominé aux Oscars (L'illusioniste), Festivals de films internationaux et son projet en cours, un film documentaire d'animation WW2. Son intérêt pour la communication a grandi dans un degré en japonais et lui a permis de poursuivre une maîtrise en psychologie cognitive et de neurosciences. Son travail actuel est à derrière chaque porte, un but non lucratif conçoit des centres de ressources dans les communautés mal desservies appartement pour la transformation personnelle. She oversees literacy and technology development including internal software development projects. Through this, she is able to outwork her passion to continue to encourage a love of learning, inspire creativity and help to create meaningful employment. She was formerly Director at WWCodeDFW, being inspired to change how women view themselves with technology fields. She is from the North-East of England and Scotland, which she believes gives her a love of the sea, problem solving and adventures. She now lives in Dallas with her animator husband and two children, who are a driving force in teaching her how to love well every day.