
Concepteur, planificateur


Evren is an urban planner and designer working on civic engagement and critical heritage, disaster risk mitigation, participatory housing and interventions in the public space. She has a PhD and BSc in urban and regional planning, and an MSc in urban design, from Istanbul Technical University. Her PhD thesis was on risk mitigation for urban cultural heritage. Evren joins Parsons from Gothenburg University, where she was a postdoctoral research fellow since 2013 in the School of Design and Crafts. Her postdoctoral research at Gothenburg is called “Urban heritage at risk: artistic and activist interventions in heritage issues.” She has taught at Pratt Institute, and her prior teaching also includes lecturer at ITU’s Housing and Earthquake MSc program, senior lecturer at Auckland Technical University, and workshop lecturer at Bergen School of Architecture in Norway. Evren is sole or co-author of two dozen writings, including articles, chapters, monographs, and conference papers on topics ranging from urban design, public space design, green intervention, disaster mitigation, and housing systems. She is also co-founder (2004) and partner of services de chambre, Une collaboration de recherche artistique pour concevoir des projets axés sur la pratique et expérimentale, traitant des questions telles que l'urbanisme de bricolage, la recherche artistique, sociale et entrepreneuriale enablement et la pratique de l'art. Par services de chambre, Evren et ses recherches de partenaires et d'expérimenter avec la conception sociale et subconstructive, la participation communautaire et l'atténuation des risques, sociogrammes et ontologies virales, le patrimoine culturel et de la mode, les tremblements de terre, et de l'artisanat de collaboration.