
Sonifikation, Audifikation, Ton


Gregory Kramer ist ein Komponist, wissenschaftliche Forscher, Autor, Unternehmer und Lehrer. Er ist Gründungsfigur in dem aufstrebenden Gebiet der Sonifikation und veröffentlichte das erste Buch in diesem Bereich,”Auditory Display: Sonifikation, Audifikation und Auditory Interfaces” (Addison Wesley) The definition of sonification that everyone studying this field reads was written by Greg. While a researcher at the Santa Fe Institute he became fascinated with this idea of turning data into sound and started the International Conference on Auditory Display, chaired the ICAD 92 and ICAD 94 conferences and co-Chaired ICAD ’96. His area of concentration has been sonification of high dimensional systems, immersive interfaces, and understanding how we can listen to complexity. Kramer has stepped away from his work in this area to concentrate on his meditation teaching “Insight Dialogs” with the Metta Foundation https://metta.org/teachers/201/gregory-kramer/