الخبرة الفنية

artist, political aesthetics, research, strategist

السيرة الذاتية

تابيثا Rezaire is a French-Guyanese and Danish new media artist based in Johannesburg. She holds a Master in Artist Moving Image from Central Saint Martins College in London. Both her research and practice focus on the political aesthetics of resistance through screen-based practices. She engages in cinematic urban intervention and digital activism, producing videos and web-platforms, curating screenings, giving talks and leading booty knowledge workshops.
Exploring the performativity of encounters, online and offline, she addresses the coloniality of power of sexual identity, race politics and gender conformity, confronting the inherited hierarchy of knowledge systems, media stigmatisation and occidental hegemony. She rethinks strategies of perception through image production and alienation, exploring power relationships at stake in contemporary supremacist-hetero-normative economy. Understanding the screen as a site for social and political engagement, the screens she engages with become platforms for radical and militant images.
She is currently busy decolonizing cyber space.