الخبرة الفنية


السيرة الذاتية

روبرت الرسوم هو أستاذ فخري في كلية سافانا للفنون و
تصميم حيث تم التعرف عليه مرتين من قبل المخابرات تصميم واحدة من
the Most Admired Industrial Design Educators. In 2007 he founded the
Graduate Program in Design Management, a curriculum focused on
business and organizational anthropology, collaborative learning,
brand analytics, design principles, and business practices. Named by
بيزنيس واحدة من "أفضل مدارس تصميم في العالم" للتعليم
design thinking, students conduct scholarly investigation and develop
يبني النظرية التي تساهم في دولة من بين الفن من
design leadership and management in organizations.

بالإضافة إلى إنشاء وتدريس دورة الدراسات العليا على
facilitation of creative thinking, Fee developed and conducted a
سلسلة من ورش العمل الابتكار مع فرق الإدارة والتخطيط من
global firms, such as Chick-fil-A, Steelcase, the Industrial Research
Institute, as well as the SCAD Collaborative Learning Center. Fee
ساعد في وضع الاتجاه قسم التصميم الصناعي والأساسية
values, as well as the graduate program curriculum. Industrial design
and design management M.F.A. thesis research topics that Fee chaired
included, biosand water filtration devices in rural Ugandan villages,
reframing wind energy at the local level, dignity as a driving force
in organizations, clean cook-stove design in the slums of Bangalore,
وبين الثقافات الأنثروبولوجيا تصميم كحافز لتنفيذ
design thinking in India.

بدأ رسم مسيرته في مختبر رسومات الحاسوب بوينغ و
شارك في تسليم جهاز الكمبيوتر لأول مرة يعرف للإنسان
figure. Working with design consulting firms in Chicago and Wichita,
Kansas, he perfected a rapid two-day collaborative-working session
with clients in equipment manufacturing and consumer products. Several
of Fee’s consumer products were in production for over two decades.

التالية له الصناعية تصميم المهنية كما تحركت رسوم استشاري ل
شركة Texas Instruments حيث أصبح مدير التصميم الشركات
Center. While at TI, he extended the reach of his department through
تعاون وثيق مع المشاريع مشروع الشركة والتكنولوجيا
transfer businesses. As many of these internal clients had never
worked with industrial designers before, design had to be about
الاتصال والتعاون وكذلك شكل وظيفة
the product. This dialogue became the foundation for his vision as an
educator based on theory in practice, interdisciplinary study, and
industry partnership.