الخبرة الفنية

neuroscience, biology, architecture, music

السيرة الذاتية

لوكا Forcucci هو distinguished artist, experimental, electroacoustic music composer and researcher. His research observes the perceptive properties of the sonic, space and memory. The field of possibilities of the experience is explored as the artwork. In this context, he is interested in perception, subjectivity and consciousness. Forcucci have been awarded numerous prizes by the Swiss Federal Office for Culture, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, Djerassi and Leonardo Scientific Delirium Madness Residency among others, and was nominated in the arts at the World Technology Summit in New York.

Forcucci achieved a PhD in Sonic Arts from De Montfort University and a MA in Sonic Arts from Queens University of Belfast. He studied electroacoustic music with the Swiss composer Rainer Boesch in Geneva, and was produced, by Al Comet, former member of The Young Gods. Forcucci has an extensive background in architecture informed by twenty five years of professional practice.

He conducted his research at the Brain Mind Institute at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, University of the Arts of Berlin, INA/GRM Paris (Institut National d’Audiovisuel / Groupe de Recherches Musicales) while investigating at Bibliothèque Nationale de France François Mittérand. He regularly lectures in Universities around the globe (University of Limerick, USP São Paulo, PUC Rio de Janeiro, UFRJ Rio de Janeiro, UCR California, UdK Berlin, ZhDK Zürich, EPFL Lausanne, SIVA Shanghai).

The writings are published by Leonardo Journal, Body Space and Technology Journal, Organised Sounds, Nature Journal, Art World Shanghai, Springer Press among others.

The compositions are released on labels such as Universal music, Cronica Electronica in Porto, Subrosa in Bruxelles, Glistening Examples in USA.

Since 2001, Luca has lived in Lausanne, Geneva, Milan, Belfast, Paris, Shanghai and Berlin with frequent expeditions in Brazil and South Africa. His own artistic research includes and observes then the possibility to live within a constraint of 23 kg lugguage, a hand lugguage and a laptop folder.